Monday, 18 July 2011

Black Hydro, Lost Keys, and the Dangler .....

The time was indeed upon us to revisit the Shrewsbury Festival. Preparations were ( as usual) mixed. The weather had graced us with around 3 weeks of consistent good weather on the whole, but in true Angling fashion had changed the week before with every website on the net ( i tried 6 at least) reporting heavy rains and storm type change there then.

To be fair things got radical around weds with the Nottm Collective deciding 6 pints of maggots was the way to go. This, after health scares and Derek declaring life ' a bridge too far' in the precending and a little monkey ( dog) were the culprits to this downturn in Human Spirit.

Anyho....6.30am sharp and after a quick shufty in the new residence ( nice) and a little cuddle of the new monkey ( she is lovely) we were away.....the kit went in the car ( a first).....A50 here we come....

Plans were hatched as the heavens opened and we comtemplated an afternoon at the cinema rather than at the side of Orfe.....the rain poured down.....both travellers needed a boost and a McD's coffee provided that....not the same as it used to be though? organic my arse.

Nicholls senior checked in very early with ' dry here' mmmm......was he there? can he tell the time? Shrewsbury in a time zone? ( apart from the obvious one)....The banter started early as we chuckled at the thought of the agony of being bankside under a brollie but not able to fish...( we were picking pegs)

The journey done after a brief tour of the agricultrual backwaters following a wrong turn we arrived and the conditions were identical to panzer division of 2 years ago....oh god. Greeetings made we selected pegs and only then did it become clear just how many maggots 6 pints really is!! THEN IT HAPPENED......

The clouds that blue? blue? the sky blue? was as if from God himself....the warmth began to break the clouds and within 30 mins coats were thrown up the bank and polo shirts the order of the day.

Nichollso senior threw the feeder a method serving him so well in the past....Nico opted for pole and Derek went for feeder also...mmmm....

As Ide were tempted from the depths ahem...of around 6 inches Nico and Derek were struggling to get anything going but plugged away to get anything that swims in the net. John patiently picked up a couple of skimmers and a decent carp early on on the feeder but changed reacting to swirls all around him.

As the time progressed the process of looking to the right to see Black Hydro streaming from the Technium became a bit boring quite honestly but fair play to the 'Dangler' the margins were producing and a stream of carp to 7lb ish came to the net....Nico and derek couldnt get it back....try as they might ...... John took a decent lead into the second day.....well earned.

The Sun shone right through and red faces all round!