Thursday, 10 February 2011


Well getting on the lakeside finally arrived with a lovely drizzle to get everything wet.Full of expectation as usual in went the maiden cast of 2011.peg 38 on Orfe. I should of known better so early in the season fish would be at a premium and so it proved.By 12pm when Julian turned up about 12oounces had been caught
for him to tell me someone had 40lbs. out Tuesday several carp Hmmmm!!!
Anyway when he disappeared after his new dog knocked my rod in for the second
time back to it.The pm wasn't much better more bits but eventually found a stockie
and a carp about 1.5lbs.Packed in at 3pm all fish fell to maggot feeder,I do worry
about Orfe ,Rich could almost put his Piper-Alpha rig up already its that low and it's only February

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