Saturday, 19 March 2011

Park Hall - Mansfield Angling Scratchcard

A quick session was in order as Mrs N was due at a party 2-4pm and it seemed that the temp would again stay above 5/6 degrees with sunshine ( remember that)

I arrived at Park Hall after a failed visit to Sherwood. there were pegs but for three / fours i wanted an easy one and the pikies had turned out in force.

As i slipped the envelope into the cabin i did wonder if i should have tried Vicars Water for silvers, but in it slipped and i was committed.

Riding down the path i first saw a guy land what looked like either a big chub or a bream, he netted was good enough

A further 50 yards and a guy was playing a ' creature' on the feeder i stopped in the car to watch for a minute or so ......he was having trouble...the carp didnt want to now

I pulled into peg behind and the sun shone.....T Shirt and pole all the way

With Park Hall despite all the anglers catching and two fish caught as i drove down for some reason i still wasnt was to prove a wise profecy

The session ( sherwood or Park ) was to fish maggot and pole to test rigs / floats etc....i wasnt in it for carp..good job

After 45 mins i reported bite....not a touch.....20 hook single maggot and a small pellet......jesus

i worked so hard....pellets cupped / maggots same.....light.....little...often....nothing.....

I then pretended it was July and started to spray a few maggots.....Result.....change of rig and hooks and the float went....Roach around 6oz......mmmm

I then stuck at it and had 3 Ide and 3 Roach.....The ide went around a 1lb each not like springlea although the roach were tiny....

Worked like a trooper to catch....blank was on cards for a long time

As i packed up the bloke next to me had a decent carp on feeder....i dont get this place i really dont.

the carp were stirring the weeds....spawning another sunny week away

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