Monday, 2 May 2011

Bizarre but Enjoyable.....

The alarm went off at 5.30am and i discovered something had been sat on my spine all night....stiff as a board as i made my way for a cup of cha....
Kit retrieved from shed and the royal wedding maggots were still very fresh and the meat also just this side of fishable....with kit loaded i arrived around 6.39am and there were already three bivvies and another guy fishing. ( turned out to be the bailiff)
Yesterday a 18lb common came out and 70lb bream bag from road on side to feeder worm / dead maggot.
I perched on peg 15 knowing this would be a short session as the EPO was bringing kids down for a top three on the pole session for bits. I mixed green swim stim a 50g large feeder and cast towards the island with a few casts i was within 10 yards albeit a good chuck...
i cast 7 feeders to start and then baited up with a ringers shell.....the tip never moved for the first 45 mins.....maybe a liner but nothing more
A change to oily pellet brought a bite that steadily pulled the tip and finally a 2lb bream nodded its way was looking grim for a while
I rolled lots of maggots between my hands a la Mr May and it worked!!! these then went on the hook and in the feeder....Casting was dream like with new line hitting the I fed the 4m line in anticipation of Sam and Rhys causing chaos on arrival
2 more bream of a similar stamp were landed as well as 2 roach that all took the dead maggots.
The Kids arrived and then i caught 4/5 roach with them very close in throwing cloudy bait and a few maggots.....
Bailiff came and had a look ( id ok'd the kids having a go) could catch roach and perch all day here.....
I should have fished shallow with cloud and maggot a la orfe....
kids each caught a roach as did Kerry....not all bad...

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