Sunday, 5 June 2011

American Egg Fishing

Well what a difference a few weeks and the red letter peg can make. 8am until 12 noon, initially cold, windy and grey. Comfortable with radio, limited kit and my own company. Fished at distance with cage feeder and shellfish bollie. As simple as you like with ground bait and a few handfulls of 6mm pellets. Ended with 5 bream, 3 roach and 12 carp for a conservative 70lb. I honestly spent more time playing fish than waiting with a fish every 10 minutes or so including playing, casting and unhooking time etc. Baliff popped by and said the Americans had developed a new type of bait that looks like a fish egg which is strong enough to stay on the hook bag up with them. Butterley Bait Innovations. He talks some shite! There were anglers on the other side of the viaduct when I arrive but no one when I left - this paints a picture. The rocks rock! When its on its on - Buttlerley is hard to beat on its day, could have had the tonne if time had allowed.

Roll on the festival small rudd and the odd gudgeon.

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