Saturday, 15 October 2011

To the manor born

Well I grabbed me stuff from the shed and the dog looked at me through the mist as if I were mad me duck.

Tis a strong man that can face the dawn and not go down badly when its as cold as it were.

Car loaded and in need of some new fangeled model type navigation equipment to even find lake, as mist was all around thou.

Crawling and climbing to the rock, me back in pain and the mists still descending I set up.

Well what followed can only leave a common man in no doubt of the almighty's hand.

First two chucks and weather as it was, two fish followed, carp an all.

Well with me not expecting much and the weather all round thou, things just got better. Another carp and a few more bream followed.

Fished at distance with method feeder and shellfish bollie. Bloke on red letter informed me he'd had 8 carp, three bream and a crucian in the same time - can't be bad. All on dead red maggots!

Well with fish a biting when the sun wasn't a shining ended with 5 carp and 5 bream, which at a conservative 4lb each 40lb but nearer 50lb. Fished 8-12. Not bad at all bearing the weather and time of year me lord!

From cold Derbyshire morning defrosting windows to summers day burning. Madness really mid winter weather 3c to 22c when I got in the car later. Butterley is still the lord of the manor! Never expected to catch anything with such a cold night. Rocks seem to always produce. New baliff claims new pegs on high bank open in three weeks, excellent winter pegs. Think winter will make em shoal up and if you land on them away you go. Roll on Saturday to give it another blast, this time with some red maggots. Mad for it, a lovely well needed session on the tip!

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