Monday, 11 April 2011

" Caster and a Tiny Feeder under the trees 1.1lb hooklength and Smallest Roach was 12oz"

Nicholson joined the fray for day two of the Butterley Initiation after great reports of JN catching perhaps beyond his wildest dreams ( even more vivid than the Lea Cross Tavern barmaid)

7am came around after an evening with Beverley Hills Cop 3 and a Tesco Curry....Rock and Roll...

John's day started badly when the Gypo prevention bar was across his path....The local bailiff turned up and assumed John was erecting the Waltzer for later festivities.

Derek was remarkably chipper for a man who had decided to live in Swanick with another teacher....the location had nothing to do with it of course

Three men and their Bait trudged to the rocks with Nico on 81 or ' See Saw' as it was known....All in called around 7.45 or so

The mist rolled across the lake and by 8am another pre apocalyptic warm spring day was developing, by 8.15am it was T Shirts only.

Nico struck first , John soon after with Carp of 4.-5lb a piece.....John then taking another couple....

Derek was full of tales of woe, weather, bait, close in, far out, deeper, shallower, reeds, spawning......his tip never moved.....

With John and nico taking the odd fish here and there and the temp on the climb it was proving to be a difficult day.....Butterley like a mirror and that only happens a few times a century. Derek took a bream and was again jeed up by the hope but by then the sun was making arms wasnt to be

As a side note Derek then decided to ( badly) try to fish up in the water.....worth videoing....

It finished a creditable JN 7 RN 6 DN 1 - All fish around 4-5lb....

The Waggle Dance capped a great day for Monsieur History.....again worth videoing....

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