Friday, 1 April 2011


Went for a quick 4 hour session on Orfe peg 37 was chosen midst a force 9 gale and waves lapping the sides of the lake.Didn't know whether to surf or wind sail but opted for fishing. It turned out to be a good decision, fished a swim feeder to a size 16 hook with a mixture of sensas, ringers dark and maggots for ground bait,and three red maggots as hook bait. After 5 minutes first fish came out and from then on a fish every 5-10 minutes. With the weather being so rubbish i travelled light so unfortunatley no camera. Ended the session with 12 stockies, half pound, to three quaters and fifteen carp,between one and a half and four pounds and a bonus ide about three quaters of a pound.Considering the weather conditions it was a real bonus of a session, i just couldn't seem to stop catching. It was good feeder practice for Butley. I just wished i could of fished on but unfortunately i've a novel experience tonight of a joint stag and hen do. Never heard of this before.

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